Yom Kippur Teaching - How did it begin?


Greetings Family and Friends!  Yom Kippur/the Fast of Atonement is a 24-hour fasting period where no food or water is taken.  It’s not easy to do but every year, I am always blessed by it.  It is a very solemn moment of time to spend with God.  We are also commanded to rest.  No work for money is to be done.  This date usually occurs in September or October each year.  Yom Kippur concludes the Rosh Hashanah 40-day Teshuvah (preparation) season.  The last 10 days before Yom Kippur are called the “Days of Awe.”  The blowing of the trumpet happens the first 30 days, and people are warned to repent from their sins (to change).  Then the trumpet goes silent. The Saturday in between the 10 days is called the “Sabbath of Return.”  Now, please remember this…Jesus Christ is the Word of God, John chapter 1 verse 1. He is the same, yesterday, and today, and forever, Hebrews chapter 13 verse 8.  He does not lie.  This will happen.  In this season, names are sealed in the Book of Life, or in the Book of the Wicked.  Once our names are written, our fate is sealed forever!

How did this begin?  In Leviticus chapter 16, He showed us that Aaron (who became Israel’s first high priest) could not just walk into the Holy Place.  He entered only once a year, and there was a process for entering.  He had to bathe, and then put on holy clothes. Then, Aaron had to get for himself a young bullock for his sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering.  And for the children of Israel, he got from them two goats for the sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering.  He was to sacrifice his bullock for his sins and those of his household, (verses 1-6).  Then, he took the two (2) goats and presented them before the Lord.  He cast lots. One goat was to be for the Lord (La Adonai) and the other goat would become the scapegoat, (La Azazel).  The “La Adonai” goat would be sacrificed as a sin offering for the people, as he had done with his bullock for his own sins. 

While sacrificing the bullock and the “La Adonai” goat, he would also sprinkle the mercy seat with their blood seven (7) times from each animal.  No one could be in there with him while this was taking place for, he was making atonement…a reconciling.  Then, Aaron would lay hands on the “La Azazel” goat (a type of Satan), confessing upon his head all the sins (everything), and then send that goat away into the wilderness.  The rams were sacrificed as burnt offerings after he was done with everything.  Read verse 7 to the end of Leviticus chapter 16.  That Old Testament story does not end there.  That sacrificial system and the laws that went with it were stopped and amended in the Book of Hebrews.  The story continues there.  Jesus fulfilled all that the High Priest did including becoming the sacrifice, Hebrews chapter 9 verses 12 and 24.  He now makes intercession for us.  Therefore, Hebrews chapter 3 warns us that if we hear His voice that we should not harden our hearts in unbelief.  God calls that an “evil heart,” Hebrews chapter 3 verse 12.  He also wants us to learn how to enter, into His rest. He warns us to be careful in case we should not enter and the gates close, Hebrews chapter 4.  

We saw this happen in the story of Noah and the ark.  For 120 years, Noah warned that the end was coming for the people of his time while he built the ark.  People mocked him and would not listen until the rains started pouring, and God’s hand closed the door to the ark, Genesis chapter 7 verse 16.  No matter how much they knocked, the door did not open, and they perished.  The same thing happened to the 5 foolish virgins, in Matthew chapter 25 verses 1-13. This time it’s more serious, because the decisions made are eternal. Let’s do our part so King Jesus will let us in…Amen!  Love you!   Pastor Monsy


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